in Conversion Rate Optimization

Lesson 1: Generating Leads Will Make Your Business Thrive: A Facebook Story

Digital Marketing Superstars

CEO at Squirrly
A Program From Squirrly Limited. See more on:
Digital Marketing Superstars


A big thank you to everyone for being in class today. It’s really exciting to get the new course started and teach you all about Generating leads with your WordPress sites and blogs.

I think you already get the sense that what we’re providing to you is valuable and that it all makes sense. You’ve learned from us until now:

1) How to do SEO, the SEO Mindset and how to do it White-Hat
2) You’ve learned how to start optimizing Content for Human Readers and get them to start engaging with you
3) You’ve seen how you can generate new content very easily.
4) How to Get about 10,000 visits overall to your blog, through social media promotion done the right way: using hashtags, best hours at which to post messages, social media groups and communities.

These 4 courses that you received from Squirrly until now, have taught you how to drive Quality Traffic to your website. It’s time to start converting all that traffic into leads.

That’s why I’m happy to present this 5th course, that’s all about Generating Leads.

As you already know, there are so many things to do when it comes to marketing, that it’s easy to get lost in all the activities.

Content writing services

We understand this ourselves, and our focus right now is to help you see how you can focus on just One Metric, that will move the needle in the right direction for your entire business: Leads.

We’re NOT know-it-alls. We study a lot, and then when we find great things we just share them with you in these courses.

It was actually refreshing to see that Noah Kagan, one of the first employees of Facebook (especially in the Marketing department) was in your shoes and also in our shoes a while back: he didn’t really know what to do, nor what to focus on.

A Story of Facebook And The Prologue to Their Massive Growth.

“Back in 2005, when I worked as employee #30 at Facebook, I would bring all kinds of new ideas and different product features to Mark Zuckerberg. To me, every idea seemed worth trying, and implementing. I didn’t have a framework or a set of priorities – I just had a bunch of ideas that I wanted to try.

Finally, one day Mark pushed back. On a whiteboard he wrote the word: “GROWTH”.

He proclaimed to the entire team that he would not entertain ANY idea unless it helped Facebook grow by total number of “users”.

Lesson learned: Focus on moving one metric at a time. This simplifies every single decision you make and helps prioritize which actions to take.”

Boom! That’s it. From Mark and the Facebook team themselves. They really know how to grow, but you see? They wanted to focus on just one thing at a time.

So if you already know (especially from our previous courses) how to get website and blog traffic, it’s time to start studying this very important metric: “Lead Growth”.

You need to grow the number of leads that you are getting.

At Squirrly this has been our goal from day 1.


Generating leads the right way has always been the thing we are best at.

I mean: after all, you are still with us after so much time, engaging with our lessons, engaging with our content and also with our SEO Software, the Squirrly SEO plugin for WordPress.

You need to start applying this for your business as well and here’s why:

The way Internet Marketing works is that people seldom buy from you on the first encounter. They stumble across your blog after clicking on a link they found on social media, in a discussion group, or you know: just a recommendation from someone. Now it’s your job to tell them what to do next.

They hardly even know you. They’ll click around but remember they’re not ready to buy just yet. So what will you ask them to do?

Subscribe to your email list, of course. This is in fact a Golden opportunity.


They are on your website or blog for a reason.

They must have liked something about what you shared so they are already feeling some affinity towards you.

Your ONLY goal right now is to have them give you their email.

That’s all that you need to focus on.

If you have that, that’s powerful. You now finally have a direct communication channel with them.

A Direct Communication Channel

The way this works is that from now on, you will use this important channel to make that person gain trust. And after you will have gained their trust, the sale will come.

It’s only natural.

Remember: Person visits website -> Get their Email -> Keep in touch. Build on the relationship you already have. Gain Trust -> Make that person buy.

You can already see that there are TWO important steps in between the visit and the purchase. And these two important steps can take a whole lot of time. How fast do you start trusting someone?

Hmm… how fast? How much time does it take?

You see: your leads will act in the same way. You won’t gain any trust just because they saw your website.

Most companies fail at getting the emails of their customers.

Even more of them fail at gaining trust via well-targeted emails after they have the contacts in their pocket.

That’s why they never get to make any sales. That’s why in the end: failure is all that awaits them.

I want to keep you away from such a sad story. That’s why: with the help of my team (16 people strong already!) at Squirrly, we’ve worked on this new course that will present you the steps that come in between the Visit and the Purchase.

squirrly team

Stay tuned for the next lessons.

Your coach,